03 8340 3200

Water Softener Salt

In the last few issues of the Prowash monthly newsletter we have featured some articles relating to water treatment. Salt is a very important part of the water softening process that is the beginning of water treatment at almost all car washes. Prowash recommend using only “water softening” salt as opposed to pool salt which in some areas is more readily available. The size of the salt granules is important to stop a cavern forming in the brine tank during the normal operation of the softener.

We supply salt in large and small quantities to customers all over Australia and it is a relatively small cost when compared to other operating expenses. But in a world where every dollar counts why not make some savings by buying direct from the manufacturer in bulk?

Olsson’s-Pacific Salt supply us and are happy to supply direct to you for pallet orders. If they haven’t got an office located nearby you may find another supplier in your area. If your site doesn’t use a lot of salt and a pallet order is too big to handle why not team up with another wash in your area and share the cost?

Olsson’s-Pacific Salt
Contact: Rennie Bugeja
Phone:  03 9329 2533
Mobile: 0419 949 829
Email r.bugeja@olssons.com.au

