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ACWA Distributor Review: Blendco

Did you happen to miss Brent McCurdy from DuBois Chemicals and Blendco Systems at the ACWA Expo? Here’s some of what you missed…
The gist of his presentation looked at “Harnessing the Earning Power of your Chemicals”. So what does this mean for us? Well pretty much we earn more or less as car wash owners based on how effectively and fully we deliver chemicals. Quality can often beat quantity when we have customers coming back to use a range of soaps and waxes based on the finish. A clean car is 'faster', runs smoother, makes the owner feel sexy, successful, organized, inspired etc.
Are we getting better efficiency from the chemicals we use which can mean reduced overheads and long term costs? The better we differentiate this, the more we win business from our competitors, from the driveway washers, and from their own complacency.

The four key points for harnessing the earning power of your chemicals:
  1. True Quality – how you last the test of time
  2. Involvement – there is no exception for hands on knowledge of the chemicals you use
  3. Questions/knowledge – the key to breaking the language barrier. Be knowledgeable to answer your customer’s queries.
  4. Be scientific- less my 'gut' tells me it’s better, more I saw it and proved it! Don’t estimate the acidity/alkalinity or how much chemical you’re using. Know exactly what you and your customer is getting.

More specifically:
  • Is the tri-colour conditioner on your automatic a true conditioner or just tri-colour detergent? True conditioners provide low pH, wax and wax initiators, AND foam and fragrance
  • Is your splatter wax a product that you can tell later that you spent money and time on? A true splatter wax with Carnauba for example leaves a vehicle soft and shiny
  • Is your tyre and wheel cleaner a product that stands out?
© DuBois Chemicals Australia P/L
Author: Vito Barbieri
Date Published: 23 September 2015